Join us on Monday, July 19th to hear Dan Cathy, president and chief operating officer of Chick-Fil-A, share his marketing adventures at a special event offered by the Baltimore Public Relations Council and the Baltimore, District of Columbia and Philadelphia chapters of the American Marketing Association, Marketing Director’s Support Group, and American Association of Museums.
Dan will discuss getting America to “Eat More Chikin” and the role of marketing and public relations from the c-suite perspective, with a session for question and answers.
Baltimore PR Council members can attend this great event at no cost! Non-members will be charged $25 to attend. Lunch is included and provided by Chick-Fil-A. Registration (free or paid) is required.
DATE: July 19, 12 Noon – 1 PM
LOCATION: Towson University in the Minnegan Room (Directions here) @ Unitas Stadium. Paid parking available in the stadium lot.
Register online here.