BPRC Membership

Join the Baltimore Public Relations Council today!

Membership in the Baltimore Public Relations Council provides public relations, communications and marketing professionals with access to monthly programs featuring media outreach and networking opportunities; e-blasts highlighting upcoming programs and members;  and, an interactive forum for sharing best practices, industry trends and professional development opportunities.

To become a member, individuals must be:

  • Engaged in the professional practice of public relations
  • Engaged in the practice of public relations on a voluntary basis
  • Retired public relations professionals
  • Students at accredited colleges and universities who display an interest in public relations

Our membership dues are affordable for all members:

  • Professional members (Sept. – June): $90
  • Half Year (Jan. – June) $60
  • Retirees: $45
  • Students: $30
  • Corporate/Organization: $90 first member, $75 each subsequent member

Our membership application and renewal process is conveniently available online.

Join or renew today!