Exclusive Presenting Sponsor: $2,500 

  • If you’re passionate about BPRC, you can support our efforts for the entire year by becoming our presenting sponsor for 2024.  
  • Sponsorship includes: 
    • Unlimited postings to the BPRC job board
    • Logo inclusion on all email communications  
    • Company logo on all BPRC social media profile banner images for the year 
    • One social media post acknowledging sponsorship/your company per quarter (four total) 
    • Opportunity to share your company events on BPRC social media as our partner (up to two per year) 
    • Opportunity to provide one thought leadership or educational article for BPRC’s company LinkedIn page 
    • Free admission for two company representatives to each BPRC event 

Program/Event Sponsor:  $1,500 

  • Sponsor a BPRC educational event with the option to provide a speaker on the topic of your choosing (must be pertinent to the Baltimore public relations community). We’ll promote and coordinate the event! 
  • Sponsorship includes: 
    • Company introduction before the educational presentation 
    • Four event tickets for you to give to the guests of your choosing 
    • Inclusion on the event registration page and in all event emails and social media posts 

Newsletter Sponsor: $250 

  • Sponsor one custom email newsletter that will be sent to BPRC’s entire membership.  
  • In addition to listing our upcoming events, you will receive a feature at the top of this email. BPRC will partner with you to create mutually agreed-upon content to share with our members. 

Partner to Create Event 

  • We’re always looking for new ideas and new ways to collaborate! We’re happy to work with you to create a custom sponsorship and event opportunity for the Baltimore PR community. 

For more information or to become a sponsor, email info@baltimoreprcouncil.