Morning with The Baltimore Sun, February 18, 2025

Details Price Qty
Member (Early Bird)show details + $20.00 USD  
Future Member (Early Bird)show details + $40.00 USD  
Membershow details + $25.00 USD   Goes On Sale
February 4, 2025
Future Membershow details + $40.00 USD   Goes On Sale
February 4, 2025

Online event registration and ticketing powered by Event Espresso

  • Members (Early Bird)
     February 18, 2025
     9:00 am - 10:30 am

BPRC is pleased to host our annual “Morning with The Baltimore Sun” program on Tuesday, February 18, with a panel of editors and reporters meeting with us virtually. With all the position changes and new reporters at The Sun and its affiliates, as well as the new realities of covering news during these challenging times, this program is a must for all PR professionals!

“Light for All”: The Baltimore Sun has served the area for 186 years. But things have changed a lot since 1837! Recently acquired by David D. Smith, The Baltimore Sun Media Group consists of a variety of local and hyper-local papers (online and print), including The Baltimore SunCapital-GazetteTowson Times, The Aegis and Carroll County Times, among others. With more journalists in the Baltimore region than any other local media outlet, The Baltimore Sun Media Group is the leading news company, providing readers with trusted news and information.

Come Zoom with BPRC and The Sun on February 18!

Panelists coming soon!

DATE & TIME: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Program

LOCATION: Virtual Conference Over Zoom (Link provided one week prior to program.)

FEE: $25 Members; $45 Future Members. Early Bird registration $5 off. (Cancellations after Friday, February 14 will not be refunded.)